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作家相片: 英研數匯英研數匯


—————————————— 1️⃣Paper 4 — 5** 秘決 第一則 —————————————— 【Grammar】 More better / much better ❌It is more better than the previous one. 成日口快快講咗more better? 記得better 已經係比較啦,吾洗再加more 啦!考官捉架! 要加強語氣,可以講: ✔️It is much better than the previous one. Much 可加於比較詞之上前。 —————————————— 2️⃣Paper 4 — 5** 秘決 第二則 ————————————— 【Grammar】 Discuss 有無about? ❌We are going to discuss about this issue. 又錯Grammar 了, 考官最鍾意捉discuss about,扣分架! Talk about 係discuss 的phrasal verb,discuss 係vt 即及物動詞,吾洗about 架!😱😱 可以講 ✔️We are going to discuss this issue. ✔️We are going to talk about this issue. ————————————— 3️⃣Paper 4 — 5** 秘決 第三則 —————————————— 【Communication Strategy 】 比人問到口啞啞,點算呢,真係諗緊野喎! 吾通轉身離場?um......到完場?問候佢全家? 冷靜啲!識玩,梗係彈比人啦!🤗🤗 ✔️Sorry, I’m still thinking and I want to hear you first. Well, give me some time to organize my thought. I got a little confused.

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